What is Sync Adjust?


Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

It's all about matching the beat exactly. 

The 'sync adjust' shifts the light commands slightly earlier or later relative to the music. Usually, this is used to adjust for delays in the music that come from using Bluetooth speakers or headphones. Using Bluetooth speakers or headphones causes the music to play a little bit late, and so the light show lighting commands appear to happen too early. You can adjust for this by setting the sync adjust slider until the light commands appear to be correctly synchronized to the music. When you change the value on the sync adjust slider, it takes effect immediately (you don't have to restart the app or replay the song to make it take effect).

The best way to use "Sync Adjust" is to play the "Metronome" found in the LightLink Spotify Playlist. Your lights will begin flashing.

- White = Beat 1

- Red = Beat 2

- Green = Beat 3

- Blue = Beat 4

Adjust the slider on the screen until your Nanoleaf lights flash in sync with the metronome. 

For example, an Apple Homepod Mini needs a sync adjust of 2000ms due to the built-in delay. 

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